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Harness AI to Elevate Marketing Strategies | Fortum Digital

Harness AI to Elevate Marketing Strategies | Fortum Digital

Leveraging AI in Real Estate Marketing: A Blueprint for the Future

About Artificial Intelligence in 2023

A robotic hand reaching towards a network of interconnected points, symbolizing Fortum Digital's expertise in harnessing Artificial Intelligence to create sophisticated, interconnected digital solutions for the real estate industry, enhancing property management and marketing strategies.
Brief Overview
In the transformative landscape of 2023, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a beacon of innovation, reshaping industries with its dynamic capabilities. Within the realm of real estate marketing, AI emerges not just as a tool but as a strategic ally, driving efficiency, personalization, and breakthrough outcomes. Fortum Digital is at the vanguard, harnessing AI to redefine marketing paradigms and unlock new dimensions of success for our clients.

Data Analysis and Predictive Analytics

AI is transforming marketing strategies by revolutionizing customer engagement and support through chatbots and virtual assistants, enabling personalized advertising campaigns, and optimizing marketing strategies through data analysis and predictive analytics.

AI-Driven Recommendation Systems

An example of AI implementation in marketing showcases the benefits of AI-driven recommendation systems, resulting in increased customer engagement, higher conversion rates, and improved customer satisfaction.

AI-Driven Marketing Strategy

Creating an AI-driven marketing strategy involves steps such as data collection and analysis, integration with existing technologies, and continuous monitoring and optimization for maximum effectiveness.

Transforming Customer Engagement with AI

Personalized Customer Interactions

AI presents a myriad of applications in digital marketing, revolutionizing the way businesses engage with their target audience. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have proven instrumental in improving customer engagement and support. These intelligent bots provide instant responses to customer queries, offering personalized assistance and resolving issues round the clock. By automating routine tasks, chatbots free up valuable human resources, enabling your team to focus on high-value interactions.

Moreover, AI enables enhanced targeting and personalization in digital advertising campaigns. By leveraging AI algorithms, marketers can analyze vast amounts of customer data to gain valuable insights into individual preferences and behavior patterns. Armed with this information, targeted ads can be delivered at the right time and through the most effective channels, maximizing the chances of conversions and improving the return on ad spend (ROAS).

Data analysis and predictive analytics are another domain where AI excels. By employing machine learning algorithms, businesses can extract valuable insights from large datasets and make data-driven decisions. AI empowers marketers to optimize their strategies by predicting customer behavior, identifying trends, and even forecasting future market conditions. This data-driven approach helps in identifying opportunities, mitigating risks, and staying ahead of the competition.

AI’s role in elevating customer engagement is unparalleled, with chatbots and virtual assistants leading the charge. Fortum Digital leverages these AI-powered interfaces to provide responsive, 24/7 customer service, ensuring every query is met with precision and personalized care. This automation extends beyond mere interaction, freeing up human talent to focus on strategic, high-impact activities.

Personalized Customer Interactions

The prowess of AI in parsing vast datasets allows for the creation of highly targeted and personalized advertising campaigns. Our Targeted Advertising for Property Management employs sophisticated AI algorithms to dissect consumer behavior and preferences, ensuring that your message reaches the most receptive audience, thereby optimizing your marketing spend and boosting conversion rates.

Elevating Property Showcasing with AI

Immersive Property Showcasing

At Fortum Digital, we understand that the essence of real estate marketing lies in the presentation. Our 3D Tours for Real Estate Properties, powered by AI, offer immersive experiences that captivate and engage potential buyers, significantly enhancing property appeal and driving engagement metrics.

Revolutionizing Lead Generation and Data Analysis

Advanced Lead Generation

AI revolutionizes how we identify and nurture leads. By employing data-driven marketing insights, Fortum Digital’s platforms sift through the noise to pinpoint high-potential prospects, thereby streamlining the lead generation process and enhancing the efficacy of marketing efforts.

Predictive Analytics for Strategic Planning

The integration of AI in our data analysis processes enables us to forecast market trends, predict customer behavior, and tailor marketing strategies to meet emerging needs. This anticipatory approach ensures our clients remain ahead of the curve, ready to capitalize on opportunities as they arise.

Implementing AI in Your Marketing Strategy

Seamless Integration

AI not only revolutionizes marketing but also plays a significant role in sales processes. AI-powered lead generation and lead scoring enable businesses to identify and prioritize the most promising leads, streamlining the sales targeting process. By analyzing historical data, AI algorithms can accurately predict the likelihood of leads converting into customers, allowing sales teams to focus their efforts on the most valuable prospects.

The journey to AI-driven marketing excellence begins with the integration of AI technologies into existing marketing ecosystems. Fortum Digital excels in melding AI with your current strategies, enhancing capabilities without disrupting workflows.

Continuous Optimization

AI-driven analytics empower organizations to gain valuable customer insights and uncover emerging trends. By analyzing vast amounts of data, marketers can identify patterns, preferences, and market trends that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. These insights allow businesses to adapt their strategies, deliver more relevant content, and stay ahead of their competitors.

The integration of AI in our data analysis processes enables us to forecast market trends, predict customer behavior, and tailor marketing strategies to meet emerging needs. This anticipatory approach ensures our clients remain ahead of the curve, ready to capitalize on opportunities as they arise.

The Fortum Digital Advantage

With AI reshaping the marketing landscape, embracing this technology is not just strategic—it’s imperative for future success. Fortum Digital stands ready to guide you through this new frontier, offering expert insights and cutting-edge solutions in Property Management Website Development, Real Estate Digital Solutions, and beyond. Our AI-driven approaches are tailored to revolutionize how you connect with clients, manage properties, and achieve your marketing objectives.

“AI has emerged as a transformative force in the marketing landscape, enabling businesses to unlock new opportunities and achieve unprecedented results.”


The integration of AI in marketing strategies represents a pivotal shift towards more efficient, personalized, and impactful marketing efforts. For the real estate sector, this means transcending traditional boundaries and embracing a future where AI-driven solutions lead to unprecedented growth and customer satisfaction. Join Fortum Digital on this journey to harness the full potential of AI in marketing, and together, let’s shape the future of real estate marketing.

Software’s Role in Modern Real Estate | Fortum Digital

Software’s Role in Modern Real Estate | Fortum Digital

Revolutionizing Real Estate: The Role of Advanced Digital Solutions in Streamlining Operations

Technology is revolutionizing the real estate industry, enabling real estate companies to excel in the field

A team collaboratively analyzing data-driven marketing insights on a laptop, showcasing charts and graphs that reflect the Fortum Digital's expertise in leveraging advanced analytics to optimize real estate digital marketing strategies.
Brief Overview

In the rapidly evolving real estate sector, embracing technology is not just an option but a necessity for staying competitive. Fortum Digital Services is at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging cutting-edge software solutions to redefine property management, marketing, and client engagement. This blog post delves into the innovative tools and platforms that are setting new standards in the industry, empowering our clients to achieve unparalleled efficiency and growth.

I. Streamline Operations

Innovative software tools simplify property management, lead generation, and client relationship management.

II. Automate Marketing Efforts

Utilize marketing automation platforms to optimize outreach, automate campaigns, and personalize content.

III. Enhance Property Experiences

Virtual tour technologies offer immersive property experiences, attracting qualified leads and increasing engagement.

Streamlining Operations with Property Management Software

Efficiency in Property Management

The cornerstone of modern real estate operations lies in the ability to efficiently manage properties. Advanced software solutions, such as Fortum Digital’s Tenant Management Solutions, offer an all-encompassing approach to rent collection, maintenance oversight, and tenant communications. These platforms not only automate day-to-day tasks but also provide actionable insights through real-time analytics, elevating property management to new heights.

Automating Marketing Efforts for Maximum Reach

Immersive Property Showcasing

Virtual tour technologies have revolutionized how properties are presented to prospective buyers and tenants. Fortum Digital’s Virtual Tours service, utilizing VR and AR, offers a compelling digital walkthrough of properties. This not only enhances the property viewing experience but also significantly increases the likelihood of engagement, setting the stage for a more informed and confident purchasing decision.

Optimizing Lead Generation with Precision

Revolutionizing Prospect Engagement

The ability to identify and nurture leads is fundamental to any real estate marketing strategy. Utilizing specialized lead generation platforms, Fortum Digital’s Real Estate Digital Solutions provide a seamless integration of marketing efforts, from initial contact to final conversion. Our platforms allow for targeted outreach, ensuring that marketing messages resonate deeply with potential clients and yield tangible results.

An interactive floor plan by Fortum Digital Services, showcasing a detailed layout of "One APARTMENT WAY" with various unit types, amenities, and available spaces. This digital visualization exemplifies our expertise in creating immersive and informative real estate digital solutions, enhancing property exploration and selection for potential tenants online.

Building Strong Client Relationships Through CRM Systems

Deepening Client Connections

At the heart of successful real estate operations is the strength of client relationships. Fortum Digital’s CRM solutions offer a sophisticated approach to managing these relationships, enabling personalized interactions and streamlined transaction management. By automating follow-ups and integrating email marketing, we help businesses foster loyalty and encourage repeat engagement.

A word from our CEO underscores the essence of our mission

“In today’s real estate market, leveraging technology is indispensable. It’s the catalyst for operational efficiency, enhanced client experiences, and sustained business growth.”


The trajectory of the real estate industry is unmistakably digital. At Fortum Digital Services, we’re not just participants in this digital revolution; we’re pioneers, offering a suite of services that span Property Management Website Development, Expert Branding Strategies, and Modern Technology Solutions for Property Management. Our commitment to innovation and excellence positions us and our clients at the vanguard of the industry, ready to capitalize on the opportunities of the digital age.

Adapting with Tech: 2022’s Property Trends | Fortum Digital

Adapting with Tech: 2022’s Property Trends | Fortum Digital

Overcoming Real Estate Challenges in 2022: Navigating Towards Success with Digital Innovation

About The Residential Industry in 2022

A modern apartment building under a twilight sky highlights Fortum Digital's expertise in presenting real estate through advanced digital marketing and 3D virtual tours, showcasing the pinnacle of contemporary property management solutions.
The landscape of residential real estate is perpetually evolving, with 2022 poised to introduce a new set of challenges and opportunities. From managing the ongoing implications of COVID-19 to adapting to the digital-first preferences of Generation Z, property management companies are at a crucial juncture. This post delves into these challenges and outlines strategic solutions fortified by Fortum Digital’s cutting-edge services, ensuring your success in the dynamic real estate market.

I. COVID-19 Management Communication

Property managers have been pulled front and center throughout the COVID-19 crisis. As we head into the new year and new mutations continue to erupt, we can expect this trend to continue.

II. The Generational Shift and New Market

More than ever, property managers are discovering how crucial taking an active role in assisting and educating residents can be. As tenant concerns skyrocket, the management of these issues have overtaken previous issues of importance.

III. Advancements in Technology

When the industry had to rapidly change to deal with COVID-19 restrictions during 2020-2021, property managers had no choice but to prioritize digital solutions for their safety as well as others. As lockdowns loom, it is more important now than before to be proactive not reactive.

Navigating COVID-19 with Advanced Digital Tools

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, property managers have been thrust into the forefront, and this trend is likely to continue in 2022. With the emergence of new mutations, proactive and effective communication will be vital. Property owners and managers need to stay informed about rental regulations, ensure the stability of their profits and properties, and address ongoing challenges. Automating communication processes can significantly streamline operations.

The persistence of COVID-19 and emerging variants necessitate agile and proactive communication strategies. Transitioning to cloud-based applications can revolutionize how property managers interact with tenants and stakeholders, ensuring seamless, real-time updates.

Fortum Digital’s Solution

To cater to the digital generation, property managers must focus on evolving marketing trends. Building emotional connections with prospective tenants through informative and enticing content is crucial. Implementing content marketing strategies and optimizing websites for search engines can enhance visibility and attract ready-renters. Property managers should also leverage social media platforms to engage with the target audience effectively.

Leveraging cloud-based property management software enhances mobility, simplifies workflows, and ensures critical information is always accessible. Implementing tenant portals consolidates communication, making operations more efficient and responsive to the needs of the community.

This visualization underscores the critical importance of leveraging digital solutions by Fortum Digital to adapt to the evolving challenges posed by the pandemic in the real estate sector.

Embracing the Generational Shift with Digital Engagement

As we enter 2022, the real estate market will experience a significant shift due to the emergence of Generation Z. This “digital generation” heavily relies on the digital landscape and social media for lifestyle and purchasing decisions. Property managers must adapt their marketing strategies to resonate with this tech-savvy generation.

The arrival of Generation Z in the real estate market underscores the need for a robust online presence. This tech-savvy cohort expects interactive and digital-first experiences, from 3D property tours to streamlined online leasing processes.

Fortum Digital’s Solution

Optimizing your website and marketing efforts for this digital generation is paramount. Through emotional storytelling, SEO-rich content marketing for the real estate industry, and strategic social media engagement, we help you connect with and captivate Generation Z renters.

Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Efficiency and Experience

The rapid shift to digital solutions, accelerated by the pandemic, has proven essential for property management’s future. Virtual tours, contactless leasing, and digital document management have become the new norm.

Fortum Digital’s Solution

Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront of this transformation. AI-powered chatbots and website enhancements not only streamline inquiries and lead management but also create a more engaging and personalized user experience. Our expertise in real estate digital solutions ensures your property stands out and operates at peak efficiency.

Fostering Stronger Tenant Relationships through Education and Assistance

In an era marked by uncertainty, providing tenants with support and resources is crucial for maintaining trust and satisfaction. Educating residents about their options and rights can significantly impact tenant loyalty and retention.

Fortum Digital’s Solution

We advocate for a comprehensive approach to customer service, empowering property managers with tools and content that inform and assist tenants effectively. From creating informative digital content to utilizing email marketing for property management, we ensure you’re equipped to meet your tenants’ needs compassionately and competently.

Property managers should become experts in renter’s assistance options, help residents find financial programs, adapt to changing rental regulations, and the like. Streamlining customer service processes will enable property managers to balance empathy for residents’ concerns with the need for profitability.

Addressing the Talent Gap with Smart Solutions

The challenge of filling onsite roles has prompted a reevaluation of traditional staffing models. Embracing technology can streamline operations and reduce the need for a large onsite team.

Like many companies, Pegasus Property Management is also looking at alternative staffing models that would reduce onsite personnel by leveraging technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), digital tours and a centralized call center.

Pegasus PM is also choosing to “hire people that know people,” as Belousov puts it. “When you hire someone who is great and they have a network, you’re really hiring them and their network,” he describes.

Fortum Digital’s Solution

By implementing AI, virtual tours, and enhanced digital marketing strategies, property managers can alleviate staffing pressures while improving service quality. Our solutions are designed to automate routine tasks, enabling your team to focus on what matters most—building relationships and driving business growth.


“Talent is still the biggest pain point. We as an industry are continuing to realize that at every level…”

Summary and Conclusion

As we venture into 2022, embracing innovation and digital solutions is not just a strategy—it’s a necessity for thriving in the real estate industry. Fortum Digital Services is your partner in this journey, offering a suite of advanced digital solutions tailored to the unique challenges of property management. From cloud-based applications and AI to optimized websites and strategic marketing, we empower you to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities in the ever-evolving real estate landscape.

Embrace the future with Fortum Digital Services, where technology meets real estate expertise to deliver success in 2022 and beyond.

Psychology in Design: Boosting Customer Loyalty

Psychology in Design: Boosting Customer Loyalty

Psychology-Driven Product Design: Enhancing Real Estate Digital Solutions for Customer Loyalty and Business Growth

Strengthening customer lengthening, intrinsic motivators, variable rewards, user-research, and so much more. Leverage behavioral research for your properties: an analysis

This visual elegantly ties into discussions around leveraging psychological insights for enhancing user experience and customer engagement in digital marketing strategies.

Behavioral Research & Product Design: An Overview

In an era where digital transformation is imperative, Fortum Digital Services champions the integration of psychological insights into property management website development and real estate website design. This approach not only captivates your audience but also fosters unwavering customer loyalty. Delve into our exploration of intrinsic motivators, habit-forming technologies, and the seamless fusion of marketing research with product design to revolutionize your online presence.

Intrinsic motivators and psychological needs

Meeting customers’ intrinsic needs such as meaning, purpose, and autonomy through product design fosters a strong connection and loyalty.

Triggers and variable rewards

Utilizing habit-forming technologies and incorporating elements that offer variable rewards creates engaging experiences that keep customers coming back for more.

Usability and sustained engagement

Prioritizing usability, clear communication, and personalized recommendations simplifies the customer journey and facilitates positive engagement, leading to long-term loyalty.

Leveraging Behavioral Insights in Real Estate Digital Solutions

In today’s rapidly evolving market, companies are leveraging big data and inbound marketing tactics to refine their messaging and appeal to diverse demographic and psychographic groups. However, building a larger user base alone is not enough. Marketers strive to change consumer habits in the long term, and this is where the psychology of product design plays a crucial role. At Fortum Digital Services, we understand the significance of psychology in creating products that foster customer loyalty and accomplish business objectives. Let’s delve into the key elements and fundamental components of product design, guided by psychological insights.

I. Intrinsic Motivators in Real Estate

To create successful products, it’s essential to meet the unfulfilled intrinsic needs and aspirations of consumers. Intrinsic motivators, such as meaning, purpose, connection with others, self-expression, mastery, and autonomy, form the foundation for building a strong internal connection between users and a brand. At Fortum Digital Services, we specialize in identifying and addressing these intrinsic motivators, enabling companies to establish a favorable response to their products and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Understanding and addressing the intrinsic needs of your audience—such as connection, autonomy, and self-expression—can significantly enhance the appeal of your online platforms. At Fortum Digital, we specialize in creating real estate digital solutions that resonate with these core human drives, ensuring your property management company stands out in a saturated market.

II. The Power of Triggers

Triggers play a pivotal role in priming users for purchase and driving habitual behaviors. These triggers can be both external, such as email or website links, and internal, internalized associations that users develop over time. Our expertise lies in leveraging habit-forming technologies to create effective triggers that propel users towards repeated engagement with your products and services.

Effective triggers are essential in guiding potential clients toward your services. By integrating targeted advertising for property management and expertly crafted email marketing strategies, we design triggers that convert leads into loyal customers, enhancing the user experience with every click.

III. Variable Rewards in Property Listings

As humans, we are hard-wired to respond to variable rewards due to our evolutionary background in an unpredictable environment. Applying this principle to product design, we understand the importance of incorporating elements that offer variable rewards, captivating users and increasing their dopamine levels. By constantly refining your messaging and targeting specific demographic and psychographic profiles, we optimize the impact of your marketing efforts.

Incorporating elements that provide unexpected value—such as 3D tours for real estate properties or innovative floor plan creation for residential real estate—can significantly increase user engagement and return visits. Our strategies ensure that each interaction with your digital content feels fresh and rewarding.

IV. Usability and Engagement

Prioritizing the usability of your real estate website design leads to sustained user engagement. Through responsive mobile optimization for property management websites and streamlined tenant management solutions, we guarantee a frictionless experience for your clients.

V. Achieving Win-Win Solutions

At Fortum Digital Services, we believe in achieving win-win solutions that enhance users’ lives while driving business growth. Our approach involves helping consumers discover the benefits of innovative, life-enhancing products tailored specifically to their needs. By harnessing the power of psychological hooks and behavioral engineering, we create meaningful connections between your brand and your target audience.

Conducting In-depth User Research for Targeted Solutions

Effective product design starts with gaining comprehensive insights into your target users. Through context-rich, qualitative data, we uncover what potential customers truly desire in new products or services. Our research approach encompasses three fundamental components:

Value Exploration

Our approach begins with understanding the unique benefits your services offer, such as seamless apartment website development or innovative business branding for property management companies. By identifying what truly matters to your clients, we tailor our solutions to meet these needs.

We explore and validate how a new product would benefit users, including meeting their hidden needs, saving time, and enhancing their well-being.

Desirability Assessment

Understanding human psychology and users’ emotional needs is crucial to improving desirability. We delve into users’ expectations, ensuring your products align with their values, comfort, and aspirations.

Delving into the psychological underpinnings of your target market allows us to craft solutions that resonate on an emotional level. Whether it’s through captivating content marketing for the real estate industry or immersive 3D tours, we ensure your offerings align with user expectations and desires.

Adoptability Strategies

By comprehending how users process information about new purchase options, we tailor strategies to increase adoptability. Whether it’s appealing to users’ preferences for convenience or leveraging emerging technologies like drone delivery, we guide you in making informed decisions.

We employ modern technology solutions for property management to enhance the adoptability of your services. By understanding how your clients interact with digital platforms, we create intuitive and user-friendly experiences that encourage adoption and loyalty.

Effective Communication and Marketing Strategies

Now that you have a highly marketable new product, it’s essential to effectively communicate its value proposition. At Fortum Digital Services, we employ the following strategies to capture buyers’ attention:

Attractive Digital Packaging

We create compelling written content, captivating videos, graphics, and storytelling that trigger emotional connections. By incorporating emotional hooks like curiosity, surprise, or urgency, we increase the likelihood of engaging new customers.

Through expert branding strategies for property management and engaging visual content, we craft an online presence that captures and retains the attention of your prospective clients.

Personalized Marketing Approaches

Tailoring your message to fit various demographic and psychographic profiles ensures your marketing efforts resonate deeply with your audience. From targeted advertising to specialized social media campaigns, we ensure your brand speaks directly to the needs and preferences of your clients.

Prioritize your Design Resources

By prioritizing design resources based on user research, we enhance the value, desirability, and adoptability of your digital offerings. This strategic approach ensures that your marketing and design efforts yield maximum impact and business growth.

Integrating Marketing Research into the Design Process

At Fortum Digital Services, we believe in the powerful synergy between marketing research and product design. Our approach entails:

Insightful Customer Analysis

Delving deep into customer needs and preferences through targeted research, enabling us to define product designs that resonate with your audience and align with market demands.

Data-Driven Design Decisions

Utilizing data-driven marketing insights for property management to inform the design process, ensuring that each element of your digital presence is optimized for engagement, conversion, and user satisfaction.

Collaborative Development

Bridging the gap between marketing and design teams to ensure cohesive and unified digital strategies that reflect the latest market trends and customer feedback.

Ensuring Usability to Attract and Retain New Customers

In the realm of digital solutions for the real estate industry, usability stands as a cornerstone for success. Our strategies include:

Clear-Cut Content

We focus on crafting clear, concise, and engaging content that addresses user queries and facilitates easy decision-making, enhancing the overall usability of your platforms.

Highlighted Product Benefits

Transparently communicating the tangible benefits of your services, emphasizing both the practical advantages and intrinsic rewards, ensuring that customers understand the unique value your company brings.

Actionable Recommendations

Offering personalized guidance and clear recommendations, we streamline the user journey, making it easier for clients to take the next steps, whether they’re engaging with email marketing for property management or exploring apartment website developers.

Source: Gleanster Research

50% of leads in any system are not ready to buy, and nearly 80% of all new leads will never become sales.

Facilitating Customer Follow-Through for Enhanced Loyalty

In the realm of digital solutions for the real estate industry, usability stands as a cornerstone for success. Our strategies include:

Clear-Cut Content

We focus on crafting clear, concise, and engaging content that addresses user queries and facilitates easy decision-making, enhancing the overall usability of your platforms.

Highlighted Product Benefits

Transparently communicating the tangible benefits of your services, emphasizing both the practical advantages and intrinsic rewards, ensuring that customers understand the unique value your company brings.

Actionable Recommendations

Offering personalized guidance and clear recommendations, we streamline the user journey, making it easier for clients to take the next steps, whether they’re engaging with email marketing for property management or exploring apartment website developers.

Final THoughts

In today’s competitive landscape, adopting a psychology-driven approach to product design and digital marketing is essential for the real estate industry. Fortum Digital Services excels in combining behavioral insights with cutting-edge digital solutions to create real estate platforms that not only meet the evolving needs of property management companies but also enhance user experience and loyalty. By partnering with us, you unlock a holistic approach to digital transformation that guarantees sustained business growth and customer satisfaction. Reach out to Fortum Digital Services today and embark on a journey to redefine your digital strategy and solidify your position in the real estate market.